Article 19. Off-Street Vehicle & Bicycle Parking
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Article 19. Off-Street Vehicle & Bicycle Parking

This webpage is currently undergoing several updates to resolve ongoing issues related to the display and functionality of the web version of the City of Charlotte Unified Development Ordinance. For the most accurate and comprehensive display of the ordinance text, please refer to the PDF version, linked at the top of this page. In the event of differing language or numbering between the PDF and the web version of this text, the PDF version will control.

The PDF and web versions of this article have been updated to reflect the latest text amendment adopted by City Council on February 17, 2025.


The purpose of the off-street vehicle and bicycle parking regulations is to:

  1. Manage parking to meet the intent and context of the various Place Types, utilizing tools such as minimum vehicle parking requirements and limits on the maximum amount of vehicle parking to be provided on-site.
  2. Ensure safe and efficient parking facility design.
  3. Provide bicycle parking and electric vehicle infrastructure to implement the City’s goals of increasing the use of zero carbon energy sources and alternative modes of transportation.


  1. Vehicle Parking Space Tier System
    1. Table 19-1: Vehicle Parking Requirements are structured in a three-tier system as follows:
      1. Tier 1: A minimum number of off-street parking spaces are required. There are no off-street parking space maximums.
      2. Tier 2: A minimum number of off-street parking spaces are required. There are also off-street parking space maximums.
      3. Tier 3: A minimum number of off-street parking spaces are required for a limited number of uses and locations, but most uses do not have a minimum parking requirement. There are also off-street parking space maximums.
        1. Tier 3 required parking minimums may be reduced or eliminated upon Planning Director approval of a Parking Demand Management Assessment, as described in the Charlotte Streets Manual.
    2. The tier that is applicable to each zoning district is identified in Table 19-1.
    3. Where a cell is blank and shaded, no minimum and/or maximum parking is required.
  2. Calculation of Vehicle Parking Spaces
    Vehicle parking spaces are calculated by the principal use of the lot. When more than one principal use occupies the same lot, the number of spaces is the sum of the separate requirements for each principal use. When one or more accessory uses supports a principal use on the same lot, the number of parking spaces required for the accessory use, if applicable, shall be additive to the calculation of the vehicle parking spaces required for the principal use(s) on the lot.
  3. Minimum Off-Street Parking Space Requirements
    1. When minimum off-street parking spaces are required by Table 19-1, the minimum vehicle parking requirements apply when any of the following occurs:
      1. Construction of a new principal or accessory structure.
      2. Establishment of a new principal or accessory use conducted primarily outdoors.
      3. Expansion of an existing principal structure resulting in the required addition of 10 or more parking spaces.
      4. Change of use or expansion of an existing use resulting in the required addition of 10 or more parking spaces.
    2. For existing parking facilities, the number of off-street vehicle spaces shall not be reduced below any minimum parking requirements of this Ordinance. If the number of such existing spaces is already less than the minimum required, it shall not be further reduced. However, if required streetscape improvements, curb relocation, or other requirements of this Ordinance cause the elimination of off-street parking spaces, these spaces need not be replaced.
  4. Minimum Off-Street Parking Space Flexibilities
    1. On-Street Parking Spaces
      Existing on-street parking spaces abutting the property may be counted toward required minimum off-street parking spaces. New on-street parking spaces abutting the property may also count toward required minimum off-street parking.
      1. Where on-street parking spaces are unmarked, the number of parking spaces is calculated by dividing the length of the on-street parking area abutting the property by the length required for a parallel parking space in the Charlotte Land Development Standards Manual (CLDSM).
      2. Where on-street parking spaces are marked, each marked space counts as one required parking space, including any space where at least 50% of the length is abutting the property.
      3. Spaces shall be accessible to the public 24 hours a day.
      4. In the event that the city or state removes any such on-street parking that was allowed to count toward the minimum required, the existing use will not be required to make up the difference and the parking will not be made nonconforming.
    2. Public Parking Reduction
      Development sites located within 1,000 feet walking distance of public parking facilities may be granted a 20% reduction from the minimum parking requirement. Public parking facilities shall be owned or operated by a government agency or municipal service district, or developed as a public-private partnership, but do not include “park and ride” facilities for public transit.
    3. Existing Structures or Tree Preservation
      In the event that the required minimum parking spaces cannot be placed on the lot without the demolition of an existing structure or causing damage to significant trees on the site or in the public right-of-way, the Zoning Administrator may authorize up to a 25% reduction in the total number of minimum parking spaces required on the lot. In the case of significant trees, the Zoning Administrator shall consult with the Chief Urban Forester prior to authorization of the reduction.
      1. The Zoning Administrator may issue such an authorization only upon the request of the applicant and only upon determining that the reduction in the number of required parking spaces will not unreasonably increase parking congestion along public streets or in parking areas located on nearby lots.
      2. If such authorization is granted, the applicant shall not demolish or remove the existing structure or trees unless the full required number of off-street parking spaces are provided on the lot.
      3. The Zoning Administrator may request measures be taken to help mitigate the reduction in parking. These mitigations may include, but are not limited to, pedestrian connections to public sidewalks and additional bicycle parking accommodations.
  5. Parking Maximum Limitations for Existing Facilities
    In the Transit Oriented Development Zoning Districts and the UC Zoning District, when at least 50% of the parking lot area is reconstructed, such parking lot shall meet any required parking maximums. Resealing, repaving, resurfacing, and/or re-striping of an existing parking lot are not considered reconstruction.
  6. Spaces Exempt from Parking Maximums
    Spaces reserved for the following are not included in calculating parking maximums:
    1. Required accessible parking spaces in compliance with City, state, and federal standards.
    2. EVSE-Installed electric vehicle charging stations (Section 19.3).
    3. The following pick-up/drop-off spaces, which shall be marked as reserved:
      1. Ride-hailing service vehicles.
      2. Quick-commerce delivery vehicles.
      3. Safe exchange zones, such as designated spaces in public areas for receipt of goods purchased online
    4. On-street parking spaces abutting the site.
    5. On-site visitor spaces for multi-family dwellings to a maximum exception of ten spaces or 10% of the total number of on-site dwelling units (in spaces), whichever is greater. All such spaces shall be marked as available for visitor use.
  7. Permissions to Exceed Parking Maximums
    1. A parking maximum may be exceeded by up to 25% if one or more of the following are met:
      1. 10% of the total number of spaces are provided for public use 24 hours a day and seven days a week.
      2. 20% of the total number of spaces are provided for public use as shared spaces available from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
      3. 20% of the total number of spaces are provided for public use as shared spaces available from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m., seven days a week.
    2. When public use spaces are provided in order to exceed a parking maximum, the following apply:
      1. When located within a parking structure, public use spaces shall be located within the first two floors of the structure.
      2. Signage shall be provided that indicates the location of public use spaces.
      3. Shared spaces that are not available 24 hours a day and seven days a week shall be clearly marked with the hours of availability for public use.
      4. The facility may charge for the use of for public parking spaces.
    3. Public transit facilities shall be exempt from parking maximums.
  8. Alternative Parking Near Existing Transit Stations
    Any property within one-half mile walking distance of an existing rapid transit station may use the Tier 3 parking standards, unless the property is located in a Neighborhood 1 Place Type. If Tier 3 parking standards are used, such standards shall be used in their entirety, including any applicable parking minimums and maximums.
  9. Accessible Spaces
    All parking facilities shall comply with City, state, and federal requirements for accessible parking spaces.

Table 19-1: Vehicle Parking Requirements

UsesTIER 1
Neighborhood 1 Zoning Districts, N2-A, MHP, ML-1, ML-2, IC-1, OFC, OG Zoning Districts
N2-B, N2-C, IMU, IC-2, RC, NC, CAC-1, CG, CR Zoning Districts
CAC-2, TOD-UC, TOD-NC, TOD-CC, TOD-TR, RAC, UC, UE Zoning Districts
Tier 1 does not have a parking maximum
Applies to both parking lots and parking structures
Applies only when within 400’ walking distance of a Neighborhood 1 Place Type
Applies to both parking lots and parking structures
Residential Uses
RESIDENTIAL USE unless listed below1/dwelling unit1/dwelling unit2 /dwelling unit2/dwelling unit
Dormitory1/2 dorm rooms1/4 dorm rooms1/dorm room1/dorm room
Dwelling – Duplex1.5/dwelling unit1/dwelling unitNo limit on enclosed/garage spaces;
2 unenclosed/dwelling unit
No limit on enclosed/garage spaces;
2 unenclosed/dwelling unit
Dwelling – Live/Work1/dwelling unit + 1/500sf GFA of commercial space1/dwelling unit + 1/1,000sf GFA of commercial space2/dwelling unit + 1/250sf GFA of commercial space2/dwelling unit + 1/250sf GFA of commercial space
Dwelling – Manufactured Home1/manufactured home1/manufactured home2/manufactured home2/manufactured home
Dwelling – Multi-Family Attached When Units Not on Sublots
Also applies to residential component of mixed-use development
1.5/dwelling unit; For senior living – 0.25/dwelling unit1/dwelling unit; For senior living – 0.25/dwelling unit1/bedroom/studio unit1/dwelling unit; For senior living – 0.25/dwelling unit1/bedroom/studio unit
Dwelling – Multi-Family Attached When Units on Sublots1.5/dwelling unit1/dwelling unitNo limit on enclosed/garage spaces;
2 unenclosed/dwelling unit
No limit on enclosed/garage spaces;
2 unenclosed/dwelling unit
Dwelling – Multi-Family Stacked
Also applies to residential component of mixed-use development
1.5/dwelling unit; For senior living – 0.25/dwelling unit1/dwelling unit; For senior living – 0.25/dwelling unit1/bedroom/studio unit1/dwelling unit; For senior living – 0.25/dwelling unit1/bedroom/studio unit
Dwelling – Multi-Dwelling DevelopmentBased on dwelling types in developmentBased on dwelling types in developmentBased on dwelling types in developmentBased on dwelling types in development
Dwelling – Single-Family2/dwelling unit1/dwelling unitNo limit on enclosed/garage spaces;
2 unenclosed/dwelling unit
No limit on enclosed/garage spaces;
2 unenclosed/dwelling unit
Dwelling – Triplex1.5/dwelling unit1/dwelling unitNo limit on enclosed/garage spaces;
2 unenclosed/dwelling unit
No limit on enclosed/garage spaces;
2 unenclosed/dwelling unit
Dwelling – Quadraplex1.5/dwelling unit1/dwelling unitNo limit on enclosed/garage spaces;
2 unenclosed/dwelling unit
No limit on enclosed/garage spaces;
2 unenclosed/dwelling unit
Fraternity/Sorority Facility1/bedroom0.5/bedroom2/bedroom1/bedroom
Group Home1/2 residents1/4 residents6 spaces6 spaces
Manufactured Home Park1/manufactured site1/manufactured site2/manufactured site2/manufactured site
Residential Care Facility1/bed0.5/bed1.5/bed1/bed
Single Room Occupancy (SRO)0.2/rooming unit0.2/rooming unit1/rooming unit1/rooming unit
Commercial Uses
COMMERCIAL USE unless listed below1/750sf GFA1/1,000sf GFA; applies when not listed below and for shopping centers1/250sf GFA; applies when not listed below and for shopping centers1/250sf GFA
Amusement Facility – Indoor1/750sf GFA + 50%of outdoor seating/activity area1/1,000sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area1/250sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area1/250sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area
Amusement Facility – Outdoor1/1,500sf GFA + outdoor area1/2,000sf GFA + outdoor area1/250sf GFA + outdoor area1/250sf GFA + outdoor area
Bed and Breakfast1 space + .5/room1 space + .5/room1 space + 1/room1 space + 1/room
Car Wash1/wash bay0.5/wash bay2/wash bay2/wash bay
Drive-Through Establishment1 space1 space1/250sf GFA; 1/125sf GFA + 75% of outdoor seating/activity area when located in CG or CR Zoning Districts2 spaces
Financial Institution1/250sf GFA; 1/125sf GFA when located in CG or CR Zoning Districts
Greenhouse/Nursery – Wholesale1/750sf of office area+ 1/10,000sf of growing area (indoor+ outdoor)1/1,000sf of office area + 1/10,000sf of growing area (indoor+ outdoor)1/250sf of office area + 1/10,000sf of growing area (indoor + outdoor)1/250sf of office area + 1/10,000sf of growing area (indoor + outdoor)
Heavy Rental and Service Establishment1/750sf GFA +1/10,000sf of outdoor sales and display area1/1,000sf GFA + 1/10,000sf of outdoor sales and display area1/250sf GFA + 1/10,000sf of outdoor sales and display area1/250sf GFA + 1/10,000sf of outdoor sales and display area
Heavy Retail Establishment1/750sf GFA +1/10,000sf of outdoor sales and display area1/1,000sf GFA + 1/10,000sf of outdoor sales and display area1/250sf GFA + 1/10,000sf of outdoor sales and display area1/250sf GFA + 1/10,000sf of outdoor sales and display area
Hotel/Motel1/guest room0.5/guest room1.5/guest room1.5/guest room
Kennel1 space1 space2 spaces2 spaces
Live Performance Venue – Indoor1/750sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area;
Unless within 400’ of a Neighborhood 1 Place Type, then 1/500sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area
1/1,000sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area;
Unless within 400’ of a Neighborhood 1 Place Type, then 1/500sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area
1/250sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area1/500sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area1/250sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area
Micro-Production of Alcohol1/750sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area – excludes brewing facilities;
Unless within 400’ of a Neighborhood 1 Place Type, then 1/500sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area – excludes brewing facilities
1/1,000sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area – excludes brewing facilities;
Unless within 400’ of a Neighborhood 1 Place Type, then 1/500sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area – excludes brewing facilities
1/250sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area – excludes brewing facilities1/500sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area – excludes brewing facilities1/250sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area – excludes brewing facilities
Neighborhood Commercial Establishment
Applies to new construction only (See Article 15 for establishment in existing buildings)
1/750sf GFA1/1,000sf GFA1/250sf GFA1/250sf GFA
Nightclub1/750sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area; Unless within 400’ of a Neighborhood 1 Place Type, then 1/500sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area1/1,000sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area; Unless within 400’ of a Neighborhood 1 Place Type, then 1/500sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area1/250sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area1/500sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area1/250sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area
Outdoor Market1/750sf of lot area for market1/1,000sf of lot area for market1/250sf of lot area for market1/250sf of lot area for market
Raceway/Dragstrip1/5 persons at persons capacity1/10 persons at persons capacityPer conditional zoningPer conditional zoning
Restaurant/Bar1/750sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area; Unless within 400’ of a Neighborhood 1 Place Type, then 1/500sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area1/1,000sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area;
Unless within 400’ of a Neighborhood 1 Place Type, then 1/500sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area
1/250sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area; 1/125sf GFA + 75% of outdoor seating/activity area when located in CG or CR Zoning Districts1/500sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area1/250sf GFA + 50% of outdoor seating/activity area
Retail Goods Establishment1/250sf GFA; 1/125sf GFA when located in CG or CR Zoning Districts
Self-Storage Facility: Climate-Controlled1/25 storage units1/40 storage units1/10 storage units1/10 storage units
Self-Storage Facility: Outdoor1/25 storage units1/40 storage units1/10 storage units1/10 storage units
Stadium1/5 persons at persons capacity1/10 persons at persons capacityPer conditional zoningPer conditional zoning
Telecommunications and Data Storage Facility1/7,000sf GFA + 1/750sf office use1/7,000sf GFA + 1/1,000sf office use
Vehicle Auction Facility1/10,000sf of lot area1/15,000sf of lot area1/5,000sf of lot area1/5,000sf of lot area
Vehicle Dealership: Enclosed1/750sf GFA + 4 per service bay1/1,000sf GFA + 4 per service bay1/250sf GFA + 6 per service bay1/250sf GFA + 6 per service bay
Vehicle Dealership: Outdoor1/750sf GFA of indoor area + 4 per service bay1/1,000sf GFA of indoor area + 4 per service bay1/250sf GFA of indoor area + 6 per service bay1/250sf GFA of indoor area + 6 per service bay
Vehicle Fueling Facility1/service island + 1/500sf GFA of retail1/service island + 1/1,000sf GFA of retail1/250sf GFA of retail; 1/125sf GFA of retail when located in CG or CR Zoning Districts1/250sf GFA of retail
Vehicle Rental: Enclosed1/750sf GFA of indoor area – excludes indoor storage of vehicles1/1,000sf GFA of indoor area – excludes indoor storage of vehicles1/250sf GFA of indoor area – excludes indoor storage of vehicles1/250sf GFA of indoor area – excludes indoor storage of vehicles
Vehicle Rental: Outdoor1/750sf GFA of indoor area1/1,000sf GFA of indoor area1/250sf GFA of indoor area1/250sf GFA of indoor area
Vehicle Repair Facility: Major4/service bay2/service bay6/service bay6/service bay
Vehicle Repair Facility: Minor4/service bay2/service bay6/service bay6/service bay
Institutional and Government Uses
INSTITUTIONAL AND GOVERNMENT USE unless listed below1/750sf GFA1/1,000sf GFA1/300sf GFA1/300sf GFA
Correctional Facility1/10,000sf GFA1/15,000sf GFAPer conditional zoningPer conditional zoning
Educational Facility – Pre-School2/classroom1/classroom3/classroom3/classroom
Educational Facility – Primary or Secondary2/classroom1/classroom3/classroom3/classroom
Educational Facility – University or College1/1,000sf GFA1/2,000sf GFA1/300sf GFA1/300sf GFA
Educational Facility – Vocational1/1,000sf GFA1/2,000sf GFA1/300sf GFA1/300sf GFA
Government Office/Facility1/750sf GFA1/1,000sf GFA1/300sf GFA1/300sf GFA
Place of Worship1/4 seats of largest public assembly area1/8 seats of largest public assembly area1/6 seats of largest public assembly area1/8 seats of largest public assembly area
Public Health and Social Service Uses
PUBLIC HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICE USE unless listed below1/750sf GFA1/1,000sf GFA1/250sf GFA1/250sf GFA
Addiction Treatment Facility, Residential1/bed0.5/bed1.5/bed1/bed
Alternative Correction Facility1/bedroom0.5/bedroom6 spaces6 spaces
Children’s Home2 spaces2 spaces6 spaces6 spaces
Domestic Violence Shelter2 spaces2 spaces6 spaces6 spaces
Food Bank1/750sf of office area+ 1/15,000sf GFA of warehouse1/1,000sf of office area + 1/15,000sf GFA of warehouse1/250sf of office area + 1/15,000sf GFA of warehouse1/250sf of office area + 1/15,000sf GFA of warehouse
Halfway House0.2/bedroom0.2/bedroom6 spaces6 spaces
Healthcare Institution2.5/patient room2/patient room5/patient room5/patient room
Homeless Shelter2 spaces2 spaces6 spaces6 spaces
Industrial Uses
INDUSTRIAL USE unless listed below1/1,000sf GFA up to 40,000sf, then 1/2,500sf for additional GFA above 40,000sf1/2,0000sf GFA up to 40,000sf, then 1/4,000sf for additional GFA above 40,000sf1/500sf GFA up to 40,000sf, then 1/1,250sf for additional GFA above 40,000sf1/500sf GFA up to 40,000sf, then 1/1,250sf for additional GFA above 40,000sf
Airstrip1 space1 space4 spaces4 spaces
Beneficial Fill Site
Crematorium1/750sf GFA1/1,000sf GFA1/250sf GFA1/250sf GFA
Industrial, Craft1/1,000sf GFA1/1,500sf GFA1/250sf GFA1/250sf GFA
Landfill, Land Clearing & Inert Debris (LCID)
Movie Studio1/1,000sf GFA up to 40,000sf, then 1/2,500sf for additional GFA above 40,000sf1/2,000sf GFA up to 40,000sf, then 1/4,000sf for additional GFA above 40,000sfPer conditional zoningPer conditional zoning
Outdoor Storage Yard1/20,000sf of lot area1/20,000sf of lot area1/10,000sf of lot area1/10,000sf of lot area
Recycling Collection Center1/750sf of office area1/1,000sf of office area1/250sf of office area1/250sf of office area
Rail Freight Terminal1/750sf of office area1/1,000sf of office area1/250sf of office area1/1,000sf of office area
Salvage and/or Junk Yard1/750sf of office area1/1,000sf of office area1/250sf of office area1/250sf of office area
Solar Farm
Truck Terminal1/750sf of office area1/1,000sf of office area1/250sf of office area1/250sf of office area
Warehouse and Distribution Center1/750sf of office area + 1/15,000sf GFA of warehouse1/1,000sf of office area + 1/15,000sf GFA of warehouse1/250sf of office area + 1/7,500sf GFA of warehouse1/250sf of office area + 1/7,500sf GFA of warehouse
Waste Management Facility1/750sf of office area1/1,000sf of office area1/250sf of office area1/250sf of office area
Wind Farm
Transportation Uses
TRANSPORTATION USES unless listed below(None)(None)(None)(None)
Passenger Terminal1/2,000sf GFA1/4,000sf GFA1/2,000sf GFA1/2,000sf GFA
Truck Stop1/500sf GFA of structure
Vehicle Operations Facility1/1,000sf GFA up to 40,000sf, then 1/2,500sf for additional GFA above 40,000sf 1/2,0000sf GFA up to 40,000sf, then 1/4,000sf for additional GFA above 40,000sf 1/500sf GFA up to 40,000sf, then 1/1,250sf for additional GFA above 40,000sf + 1/5,000sf of accessory outdoor storage area1/500sf GFA up to 40,000sf, then 1/1,250sf for additional GFA above 40,000sf + 1/5,000sf of accessory outdoor storage area
Open Space, Recreation, and Agricultural Uses
OPEN SPACE, RECREATION, AND AGRICULTURAL USES unless listed below(None)(None)(None)(None)
Agriculture – Industrial Processes1/1,000sf GFA up to 40,000sf, then 1/2,500sf for additional GFA above 40,000sf1/2,0000sf GFA up to 40,000sf, then 1/4,000sf for additional GFA above 40,000sf1/500sf GFA up to 40,000sf, then 1/1,250sf for additional GFA above 40,000sf1/500sf GFA up to 40,000sf, then 1/1,250sf for additional GFA above 40,000sf
Boarding Stables, Commercial1/4 stalls1/6 stalls1/stall1/stall
Campground1/4 campsites1/6 campsites1/campsite1/campsite
Cemetery1/750sf GFA of office, chapel/parlor, and facilities1/1,000sf GFA of office, chapel/parlor, and facilities1/250sf GFA of office, chapel/parlor, and facilities1/250sf GFA of office, chapel/parlor, and facilities
Golf Course
Plus, any additional uses on the site (for example, private outdoor recreation facility uses)
Driving Range1/tee0.5/tee2/tee2/tee
Marina, Commercial1/4 slips1/6 slips1/2 slips1/2 slips
Private Outdoor Recreation FacilitiesBasketball or fitness court: 12/court
Baseball, soccer, football field: 12/field
Disc golf course: 12/course
Picnic shelter: 2/shelter
Skate park: 1/750sf skate area
Swimming pool: 5/pool
Tennis or pickleball court: 3/court
Basketball or fitness court: 12/court
Baseball, soccer, football field: 12/field
Disc golf course: 12/course
Picnic shelter: 2/shelter
Skate park: 1/750sf skate area
Swimming pool: 5/pool
Tennis or pickleball court: 3/court
Private Recreation Club
Plus, any additional uses on the site (for example, private outdoor recreation facility uses)
1/750sf GFA1/1,000sf GFA1/250sf GFA1/250sf GFA
Infrastructure Uses
Temporary Uses
TEMPORARY USES(None)(None)(None)(None)
Accessory Uses
ACCESSORY USES unless listed below(None)(None)(None)(None)
Adult Care HomeNoneNone1 space1 space
Childcare Center in ResidenceNoneNone1 space1 space
Family Childcare HomeNoneNone1 space1 space
Rooming House1/2 rooming units1/4 rooming units1/rooming unit1/rooming unit


  1. Electric vehicle (EV) charging stations are required per Table 19-2: Required EV Charging Stations for:
    1. Multi-family stacked dwellings
    2. The residential component of mixed-use developments
      1. For projects with required minimum off-street parking spaces per Table 19-1, the number of off- street parking spaces provided is the basis to determine the required number of EV charging stations as per Table 19-2 below.
      2. For projects with no required minimum off-street parking spaces per Table 19-1, the following shall apply:
        1. Where the number of off-street parking spaces provided is less than the number of residential units in the mixed-use development, the number of residential units shall be considered as the number of provided off-street parking spaces for the purposes of calculating the EV charging stations required per Table 19-2 below.
        2. Where the number of off-street parking spaces provided equals or exceeds the number of residential units in the mixed-used development, the number of parking spaces provided is the basis to determine the required number of EV charging stations as per Table 19-2 below.
    3. Hotels
    4. Parking lots and parking structures as a principal use
  2. There are two types of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations required by this article: EV-Capable and EVSE-Installed. The types of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations are defined in Article 2.

Table 19-2: Required EV Charging Stations

Total Number of Provided Off-Street Parking SpacesEV-Capable SpacesEVSE-Installed Spaces1
0-9 spacesNoneNone
10-25 spaces20% of spaces (rounded up)None
26-50 spaces20% of spaces (rounded up)1 space
More than 50 spaces20% of spaces (rounded up)2% of spaces (rounded up)
1 Each EVSE-installed space may be counted as four EV Capable spaces
  1. In determining the number of required EV charging stations, when the result contains a fraction, any fraction is counted as one parking space.
  2. EV charging stations shall only count toward a development’s parking maximum if spaces are EV-Capable. EVSE-Installed stations do not count toward parking maximums.
  3. Where a parking minimum is required, EVSE-Installed stations shall count as two spaces.
  4. Any EVSE-Installed stations provided in addition to the required EVSE-Installed stations may be counted toward the EV-Capable requirement as two EV-Capable stations.


  1. When bicycle parking spaces are required by Table 19-3: Bicycle Parking Requirements, such bicycle parking shall be installed when any of the following occurs:
    1. Construction of a new principal or accessory structure.
    2. Establishment of a new principal or accessory use conducted primarily outdoors.
    3. Expansion of an existing principal structure resulting in the required addition of five or more bicycle spaces.
    4. Change of use or expansion of an existing use resulting in the required addition of five or more bicycle spaces.
  2. Of those uses required to provide bicycle spaces, Table 19-3 will indicate that some uses are required to provide long-term spaces. The required number of long-term spaces is a percentage of the required total bicycle spaces. All other required bicycle spaces shall be designed as short-term spaces. Where a cell is blank and shaded, no short-term and/or long-term bicycle parking is required.
  3. For uses where bicycle parking is required, a minimum of two short-term bicycle spaces shall be provided. In no case are more than 30 short-term bicycle parking spaces required to be provided.
  4. If short-term spaces are capped as per item C above, the number of long-term spaces required shall be calculated based upon the required number of short-term spaces.
  5. Long-term bicycle parking is not required in either of the following conditions:
    1. The entire nonresidential development has a gross floor area of 5,000 square feet or less. This does not apply to residential development.
    2. Five or fewer bicycle spaces are required.
  6. Bicycle parking located in the public right-of-way shall be subject to approval by the Charlotte Department of Transportation (CDOT) or the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), as applicable. A requirement to provide bicycle parking does not imply that a right-of-way encroachment will be granted.

Table 19-3: Bicycle Parking Requirements

UsesRequired Bicycle SpacesRequired % Long-Term Bicycle Spaces
Residential Uses
RESIDENTIAL USES unless listed below(None required)(None required)
Dormitory1/4 dorm rooms80%
Dwelling – Multi-Family Stacked and Multi-Family Attached When Units Not on Sublots
Also applies to residential component of mixed-use development
1/5 dwelling units80%
Fraternity/Sorority Facility1/5 bedrooms80%
Multi-Dwelling DevelopmentAs required by dwelling typeAs required by dwelling type
Residential Care Facility1/8 rooms25%
Rooming House1/5 rooming units80%
Single Room Occupancy (SRO)1/5 rooming units80%
Commercial Uses
COMMERCIAL USES unless listed below1/1,500sf GFA25%
Amusement Facility – Outdoor1/3,000sf of lot area25%
Bed and Breakfast
Car Wash1/bay
Commercial Kitchen1/3,000sf GFA25%
Contractor Office with Outdoor Storage1/1,500sf GFA of office area
Convention Center1/3,000sf GFA25%
Drive-Through Establishment2 spaces
Greenhouse/Nursery – Wholesale1/3,000sf of lot area25%
Heavy Rental and Service Establishment1/3,000sf GFA25%
Heavy Retail Establishment1/3,000sf GFA25%
Hotel/Motel1/20 rooms25%
Neighborhood Commercial Establishment
Applies to new construction only (See Article 15 for establishment in existing buildings)
1/1,500sf GFA25%
Outdoor Market1/3,000sf of lot area
Raceway/DragstripPer conditional zoningPer conditional zoning
Retail Goods: Showroom1/3,000sf GFA25%
Self-Storage Facility: Climate-Controlled4 spaces
Self-Storage Facility: Outdoor4 spaces
StadiumPer conditional zoningPer conditional zoning
Telecommunications and Data Storage Facility2 spaces +1/3,000sf office area25%
Vehicle Auction Facility4 spaces
Vehicle Dealership: Enclosed4 spaces with no service facilities; 8 spaces with service facilities
Vehicle Dealership: Outdoor4 spaces with no service facilities; 8 spaces with service facilities
Vehicle Fueling Facility1/1,500sf GFA of retail area25%
Vehicle Rental: Enclosed4 spaces
Vehicle Rental: Outdoor4 spaces
Vehicle Repair Facility: Major4 spaces
Vehicle Repair Facility: Minor4 spaces
Institutional and Governmental Uses
INSTITUTIONAL AND GOVERNMENTALUSES unless listed below1/1,500sf GFA25%
Correctional FacilityPer conditional zoningPer conditional zoning
Educational Facility – Pre-School1/8 classrooms25%
Educational Facility – Primary or Secondary1/4 classrooms25%
Educational Facility – University or College1/5,000sf GFA25%
Educational Facility – Vocational1/5,000sf GFA25%
Public Safety Facility1/5,000sf GFA25%
Public Works Facility1/5,000sf GFA25%
Public Health and Social Service Uses
PUBLIC HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICE USES unless listed below1/1,500sf GFA25%
Addiction Treatment Facility, Residential1/8 rooms25%
Alternative Correction Facility1/2 rooming units50%
Children’s Home1/8 rooms25%
Domestic Violence Shelter
Food Bank1/5,000sf GFA25%
Halfway House1/2 rooming units50%
Healthcare Institution1/20 beds25%
Homeless Shelter1/4 beds50%
Industrial Uses
INDUSTRIAL USES unless listed below(None required)(None required)
Industrial, Craft1/1,500sf GFA25%
Industrial, Light1/5,000sf GFA25%
Light Assembly1/5,000sf GFA25%
Movie Studio1/5,000sf GFA25%
Warehouse and Distribution Center1/5,000sf GFA25%
Wholesale Goods Establishment1/5,000sf GFA25%
Transportation Uses
TRANSPORTATION USES unless listed below(None required)(None required)
Parking Lot (Principal Use)1/25 spaces50%
Parking – Structured Facility (Principal Use)1/25 spaces50%
Passenger Terminal1/5,000sf GFA of terminal building25%
Open Space, Recreation, and Agricultural Uses
OPEN SPACE, RECREATION, AND AGRICULTURAL USES unless listed below(None required)(None required)
Agricultural – Industrial Processes1/5,000sf GFA25%
Boarding Stables, Commercial1/4 stalls
Cemetery4 spaces
Conservation Area2 per acre
Community Garden2 per acre
Golf Course1/2 holes25%
Driving Range1/2 tees25%
Marina, Commercial1/15 slips25%
Private Outdoor Recreation Facilities2/facility125%
Private Recreation Club1/1,500sf GFA25%
Public Park0.25 per acre25%
Infrastructure Uses
INFRASTRUCTURE USES unless listed below(None required)(None required)
Temporary Uses
TEMPORARY USES unless listed below(None required)(None required)
Accessory Uses
ACCESSORY USES unless listed below(None required)(None required)
1 Each private outdoor recreation facility on a site shall be subject to this standard (ex: 1 pool + 2 tennis courts = 6 spaces)


  1. Each required vehicle parking space shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements of the Charlotte Land Development Standards Manual (CLDSM). Each required parking space shall have direct and unrestricted access to a drive aisle that meets the standards of the CLDSM.
  2. For parking lots and parking structures of 20 spaces or more, up to 25% of required vehicle parking spaces may be designed and designated for compact vehicles per CLDSM standards. Where EV parking spaces of any category are required, up to 25% of those spaces may be designed and designated for compact vehicles per CLDSM standards.
  3. The use of required off-street vehicle parking spaces for the sale, repair, dismantling, or servicing of any vehicles, equipment, materials, or supplies is prohibited. The sale and display of goods in required off-street vehicle parking spaces is also prohibited unless specifically permitted within the Use Matrix in Article 15.
  4. For nonresidential uses and multi-family stacked dwellings, access configurations which require backing directly onto a street from a required off-street vehicle parking space are prohibited.


  1. Surface Parking and Parking Lot Location and Configuration
    1. Neighborhood 1 Zoning Districts and Neighborhood 2 Zoning Districts
      1. Residential Dwellings
        1. Single-Family Dwellings on Individual Lots
          The following apply to all single-family dwellings on individual lots:
          1. Required parking spaces for single-family dwellings shall be located either on a driveway, on an improved surface parking pad, or in a garage.
          2. In a conservation residential development required, visitor parking shall be located on-street or in a common parking lot per the requirements of Section 4.5.A.2.a.vii.
          3. All required parking spaces for residential uses shall be located on the same lot as the use, except for required visitor parking in a conservation residential development or unless otherwise allowed in the Ordinance.
        2. Duplex, Triplex, and Quadraplex Dwellings on Individual Lots
          The following apply to all duplex, triplex, and quadraplex dwellings on individual lots:
          1. On-site parking spaces shall be located on a driveway, in a parking lot, or in a garage.
          2. In a conservation residential development, required visitor parking shall be located on-street or in a common parking lot per the requirements of Section 4.5.A.2.a.vii.
          3. All required parking spaces shall be located on the same lot as the use, except for required visitor parking in a conservation residential development or unless otherwise allowed in this Ordinance.
          4. Driveways and parking lots shall meet the standards of Table 19-3.1. The cumulative width of driveways refers to the area between any part of a street-facing façade and any front lot line, unless otherwise stated in this Section. For corner lots, additional driveways and parking lots may be allowed on the side street but shall not exceed the permitted width as determined by the front lot width. This maximum width may be split between driveways and parking lots, but the cumulative width of all driveways and parking lots may not exceed the maximum width permitted along any applicable street frontage.

Table 19-3.1 Driveway and Parking Standards for Duplex, Triplex, and Quadraplex Dwellings on Individual Lots

Developments under 2 AcresDevelopments 2 Acres and Greater
Cumulative Maximum Width of Driveways50% of lot width50% of lot width; Beyond the minimum frontage setback the width may increase to 60%
Minimum Driveway Width10 feet
Maximum Width of Driveway Between Curb and 5’ Behind Sidewalk12 feet
Driveway and Parking Lot Location for Dwellings with No Street-Facing GaragesSide or rear of building
Horseshoe Driveway on Arterial Streets1Permitted
Driveway with Turnaround Pad on Arterial Streets2Permitted
1 Horseshoe driveways up to 12’ in width, with individual driveways to front garages coming off the horseshoe, are permitted. The cumulative maximum width of driveways does not apply to the horseshoe driveway but does apply to the individual driveways to garages.
2 Driveways on arterial streets may have a maximum turnaround pad of 12’ x 12’. Turnaround pads shall not be used in conjunction with horseshoe driveways.
        1. All Dwellings
          1. All driveways and parking areas/pads shall be improved surfaces, such as concrete, asphalt, or other material commonly used for the parking of vehicles, but not including grass, dirt, or gravel. However, gravel is permitted for single-family dwellings. Alternative types of improved surfaces may be approved by the Zoning Administrator in coordination with the Stormwater Administrator for sites within the water supply watershed protection districts.
          2. All driveways shall have a minimum width of 10 feet.
          3. Driveways and parking pad spaces shall be a minimum of 20 feet in length as measured from the right-of-way, back of sidewalk, or back of a shared use path, whichever is greater.
          4. Garages for individual units shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet or the required zoning district setback, whichever is greater. The 20 foot distance shall be measured from the right-of-way, back of sidewalk, or back of a shared use path, whichever is greater.
          5. Parking areas other than individual driveways are prohibited within the established front and corner side setback. This does not apply to principal buildings fronting on Limited Access Roads or to single-family dwellings on individual lots.
          6. Driveways shall be as nearly perpendicular to the street frontage as possible. This does not apply to single-family dwellings on individual lots.
          7. Multi-family dwellings and multi-dwelling developments may have a common parking area or areas located within the development site.
          8. Along alleys, driveways and parking pads shall be designed per the CLDSM.
      1. Nonresidential and Mixed-Use Developments
        1. All surface parking lots are prohibited in an established setback along a primary frontage. However, the following exceptions apply:
          1. Where there is no principal building, parking areas shall not be located in any required setback as applicable. In addition, parking areas shall be located a minimum of 20 feet from a right-of-way, back of sidewalk, or back of a shared use path, whichever is greater. The standards apply in addition to the standards found in Table 19-4.
          2. This does not apply to principal buildings fronting on Limited Access Roads; however, such areas are prohibited in the required setback.
          3. For nonresidential development on arterial streets and Parkways in the Neighborhood 1 Zoning Districts, and the N2-A and N2-B Zoning Districts, one double row of parking may be located in the established setback but outside of the required setback.
          4. Alternatively, on arterial streets and Parkways in the Neighborhood 1 Zoning Districts, and the N2-A and N2-B Zoning Districts, parking may be located in the established setback and outside of the required setback for up to 60% of the total building length. The remainder of the building length shall be located closer to the required setback line than the parking.
        2. An accessory parking lot for nonresidential uses shall be located on the same lot as the principal building, unless an accessory parking lot for nonresidential uses is part of a development with multiple lots. Such accessory parking lots may also be located on a lot that is adjacent to the lot containing the principal building and is used exclusively for parking for those nonresidential uses.
    1. All Other Zoning Districts
      1. Surface Parking Design
        Surface parking design for all developments are subject to the standards of Table 19-4: Surface Parking Area Location and Access.
      2. Additional Surface Parking and Parking Lot Location Standards
        1. Residential Uses and Residential Component of Mixed-Use
          All required parking spaces for residential uses shall be located on the same lot as the use, unless otherwise allowed in this Ordinance. Multi-family and multi-dwelling developments may have a common parking area or areas located within the development site.
        2. Nonresidential Uses and Nonresidential Component of Mixed-Use
          Parking areas for nonresidential uses and the nonresidential component of mixed-use may be located as follows:
          1. Where there is no principal building, parking areas are prohibited in any required setback or build-to zone, as applicable. In addition, parking areas shall be located a minimum of 20 feet from a right-of-way, back of sidewalk, or a shared use path, whichever is greater.
          2. Within a common parking area or areas of the development site.
          3. In an off-site parking lot or parking structure no more than 800 feet walking distance from the development where the use is located. Such off-site parking shall be approved by the Zoning Administrator. Any off-site parking shall be provided by lease of the off-site parking area for a minimum of five years. Such off-site parking shall be reserved for the exclusive use of the nonresidential use.
          4. For uses where events are held but that are not open for use when no events are occurring, such as stadiums and live performance venues, parking may be located off-site more than 800 feet from the event site. The Zoning Administrator, in conjunction with Charlotte Department of Transportation (CDOT) staff, shall require verification of how the anticipated parking demand will be accommodated, such as by shuttle service. This provision does not apply to places of worship.

Table 19-4: Surface Parking Area Location and Access – Part 1

StandardsZoning Districts
No surface parking, driveways, circulation, or maneuvering areas shall be located in the established setback along a frontage. This does not apply to a Limited Access frontage; however, such areas are prohibited in the required setback. Driveways shall only be installed across the established setback along a frontage for access to parking areas and shall be as nearly perpendicular to the street frontage as possible.
Surface parking, driveways, circulation, and maneuvering areas may be located in the established setback along a street; however, such areas are prohibited in the required setback.
No vehicle travel aisle, including drive aisles for on-site circulation, shall be located in the established setback along a frontage This does not apply to a Limited Access frontage; however, such areas are prohibited in the required setback.
All surface parking along a primary frontage shall be located a minimum of 25 feet behind the setback line and shall also be located behind the established setback. On all other frontages, parking shall be located behind the established setback.
Surface parking located in the established setback along a Main Street frontage shall be removed with any change of use, building addition that exceeds 25% of the gross floor area of the structure or 1,000 square feet, whichever is less, or the addition of 250 square feet or more of outdoor dining area.
No driveways shall be allowed along local and collector streets located across from a Neighborhood 1 Place Type. If all streets are located across from a Neighborhood 1 Place Type, the Zoning Administrator shall approve a means of access that minimizes intrusion into the Neighborhood 1 Place Type.

Table 19-4: Surface Parking Area Location and Access – Part 2

StandardsZoning Districts
No surface parking, driveways, circulation, or maneuvering areas shall be located in the established setback along a frontage. This does not apply to a Limited Access frontage; however, such areas are prohibited in the required setback. Driveways shall only be installed across the established setback along a frontage for access to parking areas and shall be as nearly perpendicular to the street frontage as possible.
Surface parking, driveways, circulation, and maneuvering areas may be located in the established setback along a street; however, such areas are prohibited in the required setback.
No vehicle travel aisle, including drive aisles for on-site circulation, shall be located in the established setback along a frontage This does not apply to a Limited Access frontage; however, such areas are prohibited in the required setback.
All surface parking along a primary frontage shall be located a minimum of 25 feet behind the setback line and shall also be located behind the established setback. On all other frontages, parking shall be located behind the established setback.
Surface parking located in the established setback along a Main Street frontage shall be removed with any change of use, building addition that exceeds 25% of the gross floor area of the structure or 1,000 square feet, whichever is less, or the addition of 250 square feet or more of outdoor dining area.
No driveways shall be allowed along local and collector streets located across from a Neighborhood 1 Place Type. If all streets are located across from a Neighborhood 1 Place Type, the Zoning Administrator shall approve a means of access that minimizes intrusion into the Neighborhood 1 Place Type.
  1. Parking Lot Surfacing
    1. All parking lots shall be improved with a hard surface, such as concrete, asphalt, or other material commonly used for the parking of vehicles, but not including grass or dirt; gravel is permitted in accordance with item 2 below. Pervious paving is encouraged where appropriate given weight-bearing and traffic requirements.
    2. Gravel and other loose material shall be permitted for parking lots, with the exception of driveways that connect directly to a street.  Driveways that connect the surface parking lot directly to a street shall meet the following:
      1. Such driveways shall be improved surfaces, such as concrete, asphalt, or other material commonly used for the parking of vehicles, but not including grass, dirt, or gravel.
      2. Improved surface driveways shall be a minimum of 20 feet in length as measured from the right-of-way or back of sidewalk or a shared use path, whichever is greater.
  2. Striping
    All parking lots improved with a hard surface, excluding those improved with gravel, of ten or more spaces shall delineate parking spaces with paint or other permanent materials, which shall be maintained in clearly visible condition.
  3. Barriers
    1. Barriers, such as wheel blocks, bollards, and curbs, shall be located along the perimeter of parking lots, internal sidewalks and pedestrian connections that abut parking spaces or driveways, and vehicle storage areas, except at vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian ingress, egress, and circulation points. If there is parking on the perimeter of a bus or tractor-trailer lot, bollards, or wheel blocks are required.
    2. Such barriers shall be designed and located to prevent parked vehicles from extending beyond designated parking areas.
    3. All barriers shall be designed and located in accordance with the standards set out in the CLDSM.
  4. Lighting
    Parking lots shall be subject to the exterior lighting standards of Section 16.2.
  5. Nonconforming Parking Lot and Surface Parking Design
    When an existing parking lot of ten or more spaces does not conform to the design requirements of this article, it shall be brought into conformance when the parking lot is fully reconstructed, or the parking lot area is expanded by greater than 50%. Any expansion of an existing nonconforming parking lot shall be constructed to all applicable UDO standards. Resealing, re-striping, or resurfacing of an existing parking lot is considered normal maintenance and incidental repair, and not reconstruction.


  1. Applicability of Parking Structure Design Standards
    1. All parking structures are subject to the general regulations of item B below.
    2. Select zoning districts are subject to the additional standards of item C below and Table 19-5: Parking Structure Design Options when located on the applicable frontage.
    3. If there is a conflict between the general regulations in item B and the options outlined in item C, item C shall control.
  2. General Parking Structure Design Standards
    All parking structures are subject to the following standards:
    1. On the ground floor of a façade abutting a frontage, where active uses, ingress/egress points, and/or mechanical equipment are not present, pedestrian-scale interest and activity shall be created through the inclusion of at least three architectural elements, such as awnings, overhangs, decorative screens, grills, louvers, pedestrian scale decorative lighting, decorative plantings, or other similar features. This does not apply to Limited Access frontages.
    2. Along a frontage, the facades of parking structures shall include both vertical and horizontal treatment that resembles patterns and architecture of the buildings within the development, including use of similar materials and a similar rhythm of window openings. Any openings shall be screened using decorative elements such as grillwork, louvers, green walls, or a similar treatment.  This standard shall also apply to a freestanding parking structure that is not part of a larger development, in which case it shall incorporate the patterns and architecture of the surrounding buildings.
    3. For parking structures with rooftop open-air parking, a parapet wall a minimum of four feet in height measured from the surface of the roof is required.
    4. Façade openings that face any frontage shall be vertically and horizontally aligned.
    5. Parking structures shall be designed so that vehicles parked on all levels of the structure and associated lighting are screened by a wall or panel measuring a minimum of 42 inches in height, as measured from the finished surface of the parking level. Along a frontage, the decorative elements indicated in item 2 above shall occupy a minimum of 25% of the area of the opening above the wall or panel.
    6. Parking structures shall be subject to the exterior lighting standards of Section 16.2.
  1. Additional Parking Structure Design Standards by Zoning District
    1. Design
      1. Parking structures in select zoning districts shall be designed in accordance with the additional design standards of Table 19-5: Parking Structure Design Options.
      2. Where multiple options are indicated in Table 19-5, any of the indicated options are permitted.
      3. Active use spaces and fully wrapped parking structures are required to meet building articulation and transparency standards of the zoning district.
      4. Parking structures without active use spaces are exempt from the following zoning district standards:
        1. Building articulation standards for minimum ground floor height and maximum prominent entry spacing.
        2. Transparency standards.
      5. The Zoning Administrator may waive the requirement for ground floor activation for parking structures for public transit facilities in constrained conditions when Table 19-5 only allows options with ground floor activation. If such requirements are waived, the parking structure is subject to the general design standards of item B above.
    2. Parking Structure Design Options
      The options of Table 19-5: Parking Structure Design Options are as follows:
      1. Option A – Ground Floor Activation and All Floors Wrapped
        1. All floors wrapped requires a minimum of 70% of the façade above ground floor along any frontage be covered with occupiable building space a minimum of 20 feet in depth. This does not apply for the portion of the facade above the sixth floor.
        2. Ground floor activation shall meet the standards of Option C below.
      2. Option B – Ground Floor Activation and Stepback
        1. Ground floor activation shall meet the standards of Option C below.
        2. A minimum ten foot building stepback is required for any parking located above the ground floor.
      3. Option C – Ground Floor Activation
        1. Parking structures shall include residential or nonresidential active uses along 90% of the ground floor building length along any primary frontage and 60% of the ground floor building length along any secondary frontage, excluding areas of vehicular and pedestrian egress, fire stairs, and mechanical or electrical equipment rooms.
        2. Nonresidential active use bays shall be a minimum of 20 feet in width and 20 feet in depth. Individual spaces shall be furnished with water, sewer, and electrical service, or such services shall be stubbed into each individual active use bay for a future connection.
      4. Option D – Additional Setback with Landscape Area
        1. Foundation landscape is required along the entire façade area excluding areas of vehicular and pedestrian egress, and mechanical or electrical equipment rooms. The landscape yard shall count toward any required minimum build-to percentage.
        2. The width of the additional setback is indicated by the number associated with Option D in Table 19-5. This landscape area setback is in addition to the setback required by the zoning district.
        3. The landscape area shall be planted in accordance with the requirements of Section 20.8.

Table 19-5: Parking Structure Design Options

Section 19.7.C.2 details the design options:
A = Option A (Section 19.7.C.2.a)
B = Option B (Section 19.7.C.2.b)
C = Option C (Section 19.7.C.2.c)
D = Option D (Section 19.7.C.2.d) and the number indicates the width of the additional setback

FrontageZoning Districts
6 Lane Avenue/BoulevardA B C
A B C D-15′A B C D-15′A B C D-15′A B C D-15′A B CA B CA B C D-15′A B C D-15′A B C
4-5 Lane Avenue/BoulevardA B C
A B C D-15′A B C D-15′A B C D-15′A B C D-15′A B CA B CA B C D-15′A B C D-15′A B C
2-3 Lane Avenue/BoulevardA B C
A B C D-15′A B C D-15′A B C D-15′A B C D-15′A B CA B CA B C D-15′A B C D-15′A B C
Other – PrimaryA B C
A B C D-15′A B C D-15′A B C D-15′A B C D-15′A B CA B CA B C D-15′A B C D-15′A B C
SecondaryA B C
A B C D-15′A B C D-15′A B C D-15′A B C D-15′A B C D-30′A B C D-30′A B C D-15′A B C D-15′A B C D-30′
ParkwayA B C
A B C D-15′A B C D-15′A B C D-15′A B C D-15′A B C D-30′A B C D-30′A B C D-15′A B C D-15′A B C D-30′
Limited Access

Table 19-5: Parking Structure Design Options

Section 19.7.C.2 details the design options:
A = Option A (Section 19.7.C.2.a)
B = Option B (Section 19.7.C.2.b)
C = Option C (Section 19.7.C.2.c)
D = Option D (Section 19.7.C.2.d) and the number indicates the width of the additional setback

FrontageZoning Districts
6 Lane Avenue/BoulevardA B CA B CA B CA B C D-30′A B C D-15′A B C D-30′A B CA B CA B CA B C
4-5 Lane Avenue/BoulevardA B CA B CA B CA B C D-30′A B C D-15′A B C D-30′A B CA B CA B CA B C
2-3 Lane Avenue/BoulevardA B CA B CA B CA B CA B CA B CA B CA B CA B CA B C
Other – PrimaryA B CA B CA B CA B CA B CA B CA B CA B CA B CA B C
SecondaryA B CA B CA B C D-30′A B C D-30′A B C D-15′A B C D-30′A B CA B CA B CA B C
ParkwayA B C D-30′A B C D-30′A B C D-30′A B C D-30′A B C D-15′A B C D-30′A B C D-30′A B C D-30′A B C D-30′A B C D-30′
Limited Access


  1. All uses are permitted to have an underground parking structure(s).  All portions of such structure(s) shall be fully underground, except for ingress/egress points.
  2. An underground parking structure may encroach into a setback but shall be no closer than five feet from the right-of-way line nor shall encroach into any area reserved for a utility easement, a landscape yard, or green area required by Article 20.


  1. General Standards
    1. Bike lockers and racks shall be located on a hard surface and be securely anchored.
    2. All bicycle lockers, bicycle racks, and bicycle parking spaces and areas shall be designed to meet the standards and design specifications of the CLDSM. Alternative bike locker and bike rack designs may be deemed acceptable by CDOT.
    3. If required bicycle parking is not clearly visible from the entrance to the building, parking structure, transit station, or lot, a sign shall be posted at the primary entrances of these places indicating the location of the parking.
    4. Bicycle parking facilities shall provide sufficient security from theft and damage. They shall be securely anchored to the ground, shall allow the bicycle to be securely locked, and shall be in a location with sufficient lighting and visibility.
  2. Short-Term Bicycle Parking
    1. Short-term bicycle parking shall be no more than 120 feet from an entrance to the building it is intended to serve.
    2. Short-term bicycle parking may be located within the public right-of-way and/or within the required setback, subject to the following additional requirements:
      1. The short-term bicycle parking shall not obstruct required sidewalks or paths or movement from on-street parking to the required sidewalks or paths, and shall not impact the minimum planting area or spacing requirements for street trees or required screening.
      2. Bicycle parking located in the public right-of-way shall be subject to approval by the CDOT or the NCDOT, as applicable.
  3. Long-Term Bicycle Parking
    1. All long-term spaces shall be fully covered and offer protection from the elements. Long-term bicycle parking may consist of indoor parking, racks in garage structures, and/or bicycle lockers or other means which provide coverage of the bicycle.
    2. Long-term bicycle parking shall be located either internal to the building or behind the building line along a frontage. Such parking may be restricted for the sole use of employees, tenants, residents, or others at the discretion of the property owner or management.
    3. Spaces within dwelling units or on balconies do not count toward satisfying long-term bicycle parking requirements.


  1. On private property, all outdoor valet drop-off/pickup locations and maneuvering areas shall be located to the side or rear of the principal building. No maneuvering area shall be located in the established setback along a frontage in Neighborhood Center Zoning Districts, Community Activity Center Zoning Districts, Innovation Mixed-Use Zoning Districts, Transit Oriented Development Zoning Districts, and Regional Activity Center Zoning Districts.
  2. Drop-off/pickup locations and related elements such as kiosks and counters for approved valet parking on a public or network-required private street shall not be located in any amenity zone, planting strip, sidewalk, or shared use path.
  3. The valet parking service and associated structures cannot disrupt pedestrian and vehicular traffic.


  1. Residential Uses
    1. One light or medium commercial vehicle may be parked overnight at a residential use.
    2. A medium commercial vehicle may only be parked on a clearly delineated driveway or parking area of the residential use. Medium commercial vehicles may not be parked overnight on public streets.
    3. Parking of large commercial vehicles is prohibited, except as permitted in item D below.
  2. Mixed-Uses
    Only light and medium commercial vehicle storage is permitted in mixed-use developments. The parking of large commercial vehicles is prohibited, except as permitted in item D below.
  3. Nonresidential Uses
    The parking and storage of light, medium, and large commercial vehicles operated in conjunction with the nonresidential use established on the site is permitted subject to any applicable prescribed condition(s) for the nonresidential use.
  4. Temporary Parking
    This section shall not prevent the temporary parking of emergency vehicles, delivery trucks, moving vans, and similar vehicles used for delivery of goods and services, or the parking of commercial vehicles at an active job site or staging area.


The following standards shall apply to the storage of unlicensed vehicles, and the display for sale or trade of licensed and unlicensed vehicles, in the N1-A, N1-B, N1-C, N1-D, N1-E, N1-F, N2-A, N2-B, N2-C, and MHP Zoning Districts.

  1. Storage of Unlicensed Vehicles
    1. No more than (2) vehicles that do not have a current, valid, license plate and are not fully enclosed in a permanent structure shall be permitted outside on any premises, provided:
      1. Vehicles are registered to the occupant of the premises, or
      2. An immediate family member of the occupant is the record title owner of the vehicle.
    2. No unlicensed vehicle is permitted outside on any premises if it is not registered to the occupant of the premises, or if an immediate family member of the occupant is not the record title owner of the vehicle.
    3. Vehicles described in items 1 and 2 above shall not be located within any required setback or buffer required by this Ordinance, or in any street right-of-way except as provided in item B.5 below.
  2. Display and Sale or Trade of Licensed or Unlicensed Vehicles
    1. No more than (2) vehicles, licensed or unlicensed, may be displayed for sale or trade at any time.
    2. The display for sale or trade of vehicles as described item 1 above shall not exceed a period of 60 days per vehicle.
    3. During a calendar year commencing January 1 and ending December 31:
      1. No more than (3) vehicles, licensed or unlicensed, shall be displayed for sale or trade on a premises, and
      2. No more than (3) sales or trades of vehicles, licensed or unlicensed, shall occur within this period.
    4. No vehicle, licensed or unlicensed, shall be displayed on a premises for sale or trade if it is not registered to the occupant of the premises, or if an immediate family member of the occupant is not the record title owner of the vehicle.
    5. Any vehicle, licensed or unlicensed, displayed for sale or trade on a premises may be in an established setback but shall not be within any street right-of-way.
  3. All vehicles must also comply with City code, Chapter 10, Article III, “Removal and Disposition of Abandoned Vehicles, Hazardous Vehicles and Junked Motor Vehicles.”


The parking or storage of commercial and passenger vehicles on vacant lots is prohibited unless as part of a use permitted by Table 15-1: Use Matrix. The site shall also meet all applicable development standards of this Ordinance.